Greetings, my fellow bloggers and blogees...
Got in late on the red-eye tonight with old Hendersen and thought I'd send out a "hello" to everyone. Thanks to Ella we were picked up promptly at the airport and driven straight to the FSRI-approved hotel where I was treated to my "executive suite" while Hendersen was made to feel right at home down in the basement's servants' quarters.
Ella, thanks again. Your kindness and goodwill has made my long trip more than tolerable. ;) I will also take this time to briefly tell you how impressed I was with your blogging. You more than "held down the fort" in my estimation, and if Ager has talent like yours laying around the blogging division, there's definitely a good future ahead for this blog and everyone involved with it.
On to business... I've postponed the "Weekly Roundup" until I recover from my jet-lag. To tell you the truth, though, there really wasn't much business going on in the last week. So don't sweat it.
Thanks again, Ella. And feel free to call me or visit me if you have any questions about the changes for next week. And maybe we can get in a game of Splume or two?