DURBAN, SOUTH AFRICA - The FSRI has just announced that Harry Jankowskowitz, acting CEO of the FSRI during Ager's sabbatical, has released all senior staff effective immediately. No reason was giving for these terminations other than a short announcement given by the Department of Media Relations stating that
"necessary changes were in order."

This shake-up at the FSRI took many by surprise and shareholders have been vocal with their concerns over the changes taking place while K. W. Ager, CEO and founder of the FSRI, makes a short trip to the future.
"We're going to wait and see what is going on and then make adjustments on an as needed basis," says investment analyst Clive Shorter.
"We would all like to see Ager wrap up his trip and come back to the current time. Until then, we'll just have to hope for the best."
Many eyebrows were raised when Ager appointed of Harry Jankowskowitz to run the FSRI while it's founder was away.
Consensus regards his resume as woefully lean, with no experience at running a company the size of the FSRI. Jankowskowitz is said to be a firm adherent to most of Ager's business theories, but it remains to be seen whether or not his actions can match his reputation.