The FSRI would like to introduce "The Networker", Decateur Thoms, to the FSRI blogging team.
Mr. Thoms is known world-wide as an expert on Faking Smart! and has made his reputation as a top-notch corporate networker through his work with the FSRI and its affiliate programs. Decateur graduated from the FSIHL (Faking Smart! Institute for Higher Learning) in October of 2006 and has since been nominated for several awards. His recent book Filling in the Gaps has sent ripples through the job-hunting community. (It will be published any day now...) And his work in philanthropy, obviology and ersatz epistemology has garnered him substantial praise from the FSRI and other leading labs and organizations.
We hope you will share in giving him a generous Faking Smart! salute, and we look forward to his contributions to this invaluable blog.
KWA and the FSRI
Right on! This is great news.
I seem to recall this mug from photos on display at the post office (sans intelligence-maker eyeglasses), but it is highly likely that I am horribly mistaken and so I offer my most sincere apologies.
Good luck in your new position, my dear friend Decateur, keep looking over your shoulder... there's always someone looking to besmirch your reputation and replace you... maybe as early as this afternoon, I don't know. I have no direct knowledge of this, but have seen it happen HUNDREDS of times to many of my DEAREST friends.
Do not worry, Decateur. You have the full confidence of myself and the FSRI with you. We look forward to your keen insight and networking know-how.
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