People often come up to me and ask me this question: "When I get a phone call at work, how do I answer it?"
While many find this question silly (..jeeesh, you'd just answer the call like you always would), there are many who struggle with this problem much so that when calls come in to their office stations they become paralyzed with fear and indecision. Becoming familiar with a few easy to remember "pick-up" lines can help to reduce those apprehensions and make answering the phone while at work a routine, if not enjoyable, diversion.
Here are ten easy lines to use when your phone rings and you have to answer it:
1. "Good morning! How's the weather our there?"
2. "Hey, what's your problem?"
3. "Leave me alone. Just kidding! ..I love people."
4. "Who gave you this number? .. And how can I help you?"
5. "Hello, and thanks for calling. Make it quick, would ya?"
6. "What now?"
7. "Hi, my name is ________ . Thanks for calling __________ . How can I ________ help you?"
8. "Thanks for calling. Can I put you on hold?"
9. "Hello. What's up? Forgot what an email is, I take it?"
10. "Hi. My name is _______ . You have exactly two seconds to ask your question. ...Bye."
Try them all! And good luck!